Caster/Blade Mage

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Caster/Blade Mage

Postby Grahf » Sat May 28, 2016 1:29 pm

Class: fighter (1-8)> Caster(9-24) > Blade Mage(25)

Blade mages are a rare breed gifted with both might and wit. Not content with training only the body like most fighters or spending their lives in a study like sorcerors, Blade Mages take the best from both. Using the discipline gained from the martial arts to study practical magics, they are both versatile and resourceful. Blade mage magic is focused on combat and battle magic. Advanced Blade mages can bend the very elements to their will, focusing weapons into reality from pure willpower and magic.

The blademage character is built from the code for a Ranger class and can use the same weapons and armor which restricts them from heavy armor. Many of the shared spells the blade mage can use are restricted from what you would see on another class. Due to the divided attention of the blade mage on both fighting and magic the caster's abilities are reduced from that of a dedicated class and also have varied levels they can be learned. I pulled the spell descriptions from another thread (thanks!) And added one. Ill also be designing an area called Abstoria which will can be utlized by rangers for the "pokeballs" and blade mages to find skills there. (Ruins of an old magic city)

Attack Increments At Levels: 5, 10, 25
Restrictions: 16 Strength, 16 Agility, 16 intellect, 12 wisdom
Needed EXP to Level 25: 400mil
Can wield swords, blunt, staves and daggers
Can wear medium, light, cloth, shields, and helmets
Can dual wield


A low level mage spell, Burst focuses the energy of the caster into a material form, and launches it at the target. The effects of this attack differ based on the caster's divinity. The form the the burst depends on the divinity of the caster. Damage can be as much as 108 with 22 intelligence.

Classes: Sorceror (1), Necromancer (1), Caster (8)
Mana Cost 2
Damage Range ?-108
Healing Range n/a
Spell changes based on divinity.

Stoneskin provides an aura of energy surrounding the target as if their skin has been magically hardened for a limited period of time. The Armor Count of the target gains a temporary bonus until the spell wears off. The amount of increase grows in power with the caster's level. The bonus varies according to class, light armor classes like Druids will receive a greater bonus than heavy armor classes like Clerics. The caster also receives greater protection when they cast the spell on themselves as opposed to another character.

Classes: Sorceror (1), Necromancer (1), [Caster, (1) CAN ONLY BE CAST ON SELF]
Mana Cost 20


The target of the spell receives a magical boost, increasing their strength statistic by as much as 10 or 12 points for a short amount of time.

Feel weak? Those pesky Hell Rabbits getting the better of you? Well never fear Mingster is here! This special blend of mana and sweat came straight from Uncle Ming's alchemy... and it makes you stronger

Classes: Sorceror (6), Necromancer (6), [Caster (8) CAN ONLY BE CAST ON SELF]
Mana Cost 10

Ming's Magical Attack - By combining various components, Ming came up with a powerful spell that damages a target.

The next level of attack over burst, this spell is much more commonly used once it can be learned. Zot casts a similar magical burst of energy at the target that causes damage based on the casters intelligence, up to 156 damage with 22 intelligence. The exact form the energy depends on the divinity of the caster, but can differ from burst's manifestation.

Classes: Sorceror (9), Caster (18)
Mana Cost 5

Warpdoor -
This spell produces a door to the underworld, allowing the caster to call forth a demon from below. The strength of the caster determines what they can call upon.

Somewhat like unkelming, this spell summons a creature into the servitidue of the caster, but the servant called is much different. Rather than calling an elemental based on divinty, warpdoor summons a Midge from the underworlds. Much stronger than elementals, Midges are filthy creatures that can attack those hidden in the shadows or concealed by magical means.

Classes: Sorceror (?), [Caster (20) CAN ONLY HAVE 1 AT A TIME]
Mana cost 25

Curel- A minor healing spell, Curel allows the caster to cure minor wounds that have been inflicted on the recipient.

Those who walk closely with their god gain the ability to heal the wounded. Curel restores a small portion of health to the target, usually between 30 and 100 hit points, depending on the caster's level, intelligence and class. Druids and Paladins tend to have a stronger effect with Curel since Clerics have other more powerful healing tools to rely on and have not refined Curel as the other guilds have. Even so, it is still a weak healing spell.

Classes: Cleric (?), paladin (?), [Caster (8) CAN ONLY BE USED ON SELF]
Mana cost ?

This basic spell is learnable by all healers. It soothes away any poison that is inflicted upon the body.

Rumored to have been developed by the Druids, after they had perfected the art of brewing amethyst potions, Venin clears the targets body of all poisons.

Classes: Cleric (?), Druid (?), paladin (5?), [Caster (12) CAN ONLY BE USED ON SELF]
Mana cost 40

Elemental Blade
This spell was discovered in the ruins of Abstoria and its origins are unknown. The caster utilizes magic and their intimate knowledge of blades to will a sword hewn from the elements of nature into reality.

Lasts for 60 seconds. 20-30% damage added to your equipped sword. (Possibly 5% div damage as well)
Classes: Caster (25)
Mana cost 150(?)

Depending on the players divinity, the way the blade is summoned and its elemental nature, will vary.

Flames ignite in your hands and flair outward in a brilliant flash of heat and light. When the flash dissapates you are holding a blade forged of white hot fire.

=>Grahf’s hands ignite in a blinding flash of flames. As your eyes adjust you see that Grahf is now holding a blade of white hot fire.

A bolt of Lighting crashes in front of you in a brilliant flash of light. In your hands you now hold a crackling blade made of pure energy.

=>Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light and a deafening crash as bolt of lighting strikes in front of Grahf. As your eyes adjust you see that Grahf is now holding a crackling blade made of pure energy.

Shadows begin to slide toward you from every direction swallowing you in darkness. They begin to swirl and condense into your hands to reveal a blade made from the void that consumes even the light around it.

=>Shadows begin to slide toward Grahf from every direction swallowing him in darkness. The shadows swirl and condense to reveal Grahf holding a blade so black not even light escapes it.

You drop to a knee plunging your hand into the ground and the earth begins to quake. As you draw your hand from the ground it is followed by a massive blade made of razor sharp Obsidian.

=>Grahf suddenly plunges his hand into the ground as if it were water and the earth begins to quake. You stumble as Grahf pulls a massive blade of razor sharp Obsidian from the ground that looks as if it were made for a giant.

The temperature around you drops suddenly and frost begins to form in your hands. A blade of razor sharp ice so terribly cold it freezes even the air around it, forms itself in your grip.

=>The temperature around you drops suddenly and your breath begins to fog. Suddenly you see a blade of razor sharp ice form in Grahf’s hands that is so terribly cold it freezes even the air around it.

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